Ottawa, October 27, 2022

Changes to Membership

At a meeting on October 12th, the CMA’s Board of Directors endorsed the creation of a Membership Sub-Committee to review the By-laws and the membership proposition in order to better support existing and incoming persons working in the museum field.

Simultaneously, staff are working to modernize our membership processes to improve member experience and reduce administrative burden.

While we are anticipating potential larger scale changes in 2023, the action has resulted in a few immediate, but temporary, changes to support staff administration. Until March 31st, 2023, the CMA:

  • Will not be accepting any new Individual members;
  • Will be renewing existing members, however membership cards and stickers will not be issued.

We are hoping to minimize the impact of these necessary decisions by asking museums who deliver the Complimentary Admissions Program honour all existing CMA cards with the Black and Blue logo regardless of expiry dates until March 31, 2023, continuing to offer free access to members.

We hope to make the renewal of our membership program an inclusive process, and look forward to communicating with members

We will provide updates as the program evolves. However, please feel free to reach out to should you have any questions.

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