Ottawa, June 7, 2022

Take a moment to read CMA's Annual Report

Annual reports tend to present their organization in the best possible light - a legitimate goal when you’re trying to maximize shareholder value or stakeholder confidence. But when the organization is in crisis, covering up cracks in its foundations with a coat of paint is in nobody’s interest.

In those circumstances, the organization’s shareholders — in the case of CMA, its members –— are entitled to the unvarnished truth.

The CMA has been part of Canada’s arts and cultural landscape for the last 75 years. For much of that time it played a pivotal role in advocating for and advancing the interest of Canada’s museums community. But as it enters its 76th year, it faces the kind of challenges that will require clarity of purpose and the continued support of the entire museum and heritage community to overcome.

If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to take a few minutes and read this year’s CMA Annual Report; Unvarnished: A Year in Transition. It outlines the state of the organization, the steps taken to address the most pressing challenges and the culture shift which is taking place.

If after you’ve read the report you have questions, observations or ideas you’d like to share about how the CMA can become stronger and more representative of the sector and its needs, please drop me a line at I want to hear from you — that’s step one in rebuilding our foundations.

Massimo Bergamini
(Interim) Executive Director and CEO


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