Ottawa, February 9, 2023

CMA and ICOM Canada stand in solidarity with victims of earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

The CMA and ICOM Canada were pained to hear of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that devastated the central and southern regions of Türkiye as well as the north-western region of Syria. This disaster has sadly claimed the lives of at least 3,700 people, and has led to more than 10,000 being injured. Our condolences go to the families and loved ones of those who have suffered or lost their lives to this earthquake.

As heritage professionals, we were saddened to hear that several heritage sites in the impacted regions have experienced significant destruction. In Türkiye, several buildings in the UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Diyarbakır Fortress & Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape as well as the Gazientep Castle were heavily affected by the earthquake. Across the border in Syria, the World Heritage site of the ancient city of Aleppo has incurred significant damage in the Aleppo Citadel, several buildings in the souks, and the western tower of the old city wall. Footage circulating on various media platforms in the aftermath of this disaster show the extent of the destruction, but damage assessment is still ongoing.

The CMA and ICOM Canada express their support of efforts to help respond to this disaster in the heritage sites of Türkiye and Syria by the UNESCO and the Disaster Risk Management Committee (DRMC) of ICOM. We encourage museums, museum associations, and other members of the culture and heritage sectors to follow these initiatives, which you could read more about in their statements of solidarity and action:

As we express our solidarity with and offer our support to such initiatives for preventing long term risks and the threats to heritage, we stress that the primary concern in the immediate aftermath of all disasters like these are the rescuing of those injured and the safeguarding of all lives. For this reason, we would also like to point to the Government of Canada’s effort to support the Canadian Red Cross by matching donations from individuals affected by this disaster to a maximum of $10 million. To donate to the Canadian Red Cross, please click this link or call 1-800-418-1111.

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