Ottawa, February 16, 2023

Letter Writing Guidance for PCH’s NMP Public Consultation

Here are some tips to consider when writing a letter to participate in the public consultation on the renewal of the museum policy:

  1. Start with a clear introduction: Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your letter. Also be sure to include your location so that PCH can track the regional diversity of responses.
  2. Utilizing the Discussion Questions that accompany each theme in the Discussion Guide, let PCH know how a new national museum policy can better support you and your museum in your work.Use evidence to support your argument: Where possible, use facts, statistics, and personal experiences to support your position.
    Here are some suggested resources:
  3. Ensure the letter touches on how the museum work impacts individuals and communities, not just institutions and museum professionals: Share stories or anecdotes that illustrate community and audience impact.
  4. Submit your response to PCH and include CMA in the cc: To ensure we can track our members’ priority issues, and to measure the impact of our collective advocacy efforts, please cc the CMA in your e-mail.

Click here to download a sample letter (.docx format).

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